Divorce Without a Lawyer in Texas

Divorce or dissolution of marriage, is a process of legal termination of marital bond between married couples and cancels their legal responsibilities to each other. Getting or giving divorce is a highly emotional decision and can be time consuming and costly.

With the advent of the internet, many cumbersome processes, including divorce, have become easier. Now in the state of Texas, spouses can apply for online divorce also.

Common reasons for divorce

There could be various reasons of marital discord yet most common are:

  • Infidelity
  • Financial constrains
  • Frequent argument& domestic violence
  • Marriage in Fraudulent ways
  • Lack of Communication
  • Impractical expectations
  • Lack of intimacy

In addition, conviction / imprisonment, abandonment and psychiatric problem can be other reasons for divorce.

Types of divorce inTexas

For getting divorce in state of Texas, couple must be married lawfully and fulfill residency norms.

There are two types of divorce i.e.‘No Fault’ or ‘Fault’ in Texas. In case of No Fault, he or she seeks divorce due to marital discord but when applying for divorce on Fault basis, he or she will have to provethe faults in court.

‘Contested’ or ‘Uncontested Divorce’

‘Contested Divorce’cases are basically offline ones, require service of lawyers for contesting in court and may incur enormous expenses.

Whereas ‘Uncontested Divorce’ cases can be applied online and are cost effective as these do not require third party mediation. In uncontested divorce cases both spouses jointly sign divorce documents to notify court about their mutual agreement of amicably settling all disputes like alimony for spousal support and joint marital property. Both spouses agree on conditions of custody, visitation period and financial support for minor children.

Accordingly, ‘Uncontested Divorce’ is considered friendly and also referred as ‘Texas Agreed Divorce’ or ‘Amicable Divorce’.

Nowadays, people wishing to split amicably, opt for uncontested divorce. They can apply for online divorce by directly filing the documents with the court in Texas, without involving an attorney.

However, online divorces are not designed for complicated ‘Contested’ ones.

Advantages of filing online divorce

Since in uncontested divorce, dissolution of marriage is applied with complete agreement on all matters from both spouses,need for third party mediation is eliminated and hence online divorce is economical. Accordingly, online divorce excellent choice for people from low income strata.

How to apply for online divorce

Most online divorce services, like our Online Divorce, use interview style questionnaire to fill details of divorce conditions. Those filing uncontested divorce, however,can separately request for child support, custody and alimony. Duly answered questionnaires are sent to our legal section to preparedocuments in state specific forms as per state guidelines.

After filing proper papers, in most cases, the need to appear in the court is eliminated.

Role of Online Divorce Texas

We are highly reputed online divorce service providers in the state of Texas. We have vast experience of helping divorce seekers in getting time and money saving divorce. We have highly organized and competent infrastructure to help clients fill answers, prepare authentic paperwork for court and review all documents before filing.

Online Divorce is a trustworthy name among online divorce service providers as we provide guarantee for approval of papers by the court, failing which we refund clients’ money. We strive to help our clients get divorce without undergoing stress or mental trauma.